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Why can't I see all the pages I've liked on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Why can't I see all the pages I've liked on Facebook? - Vasilisa - 04-08-2014 04:57 AM

So I'm just trying to unlike the majority of the pages I liked when the good portion of us when through that page liking frenzy from high school.
So I searched in the Facebook bar "Pages I Like" and behold a few hundred were. So I unliked them all and by the end of it was "end of result". But when I go to my profile and look at the pages I've liked in the "more" tab, there's still over 1000 more I've yet to unlike. So I go back to the "Pages I Like" search, and there's no new pages to unlike. I know for a fact I still have plenty of pages to unlike, so where'd they go?!
How do I find these pages and unlike them once and for all?!
I've looked on the Page Feed, and in the Likes tab on my profile, the Create a Page>Liked pages and the Pages I Like search, and they're not there!
When I go onto these, I see about twenty, but those are the pages I want to keep.

- abraXus - 04-08-2014 05:04 AM

- Daffodil - 04-08-2014 05:05 AM

Searching for pages you like shouldn't get everything because it's a general search of all of facebook. If you click on your profile (profile, NOT your newsfeed), then click on "about" and scroll down, there should be different sections of things you have liked. Things like Athletes, Movies, TV Shows, Music, etc. If you select "likes" on there, it should come up with all the pages you have liked under that category. You can then go through and unlike whichever of them you want to.
