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Is this fate , a coincidence? - Printable Version

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Is this fate , a coincidence? - xoxoxo - 04-08-2014 04:57 AM

It seems as if fate is secretly organizing for us to be together when the time is right. I met boy we will call Robert, in my first semester of college in September of last year. It was his first semester as well. We had one class together last semester and we never talked to each other. As the semester went on I eventually developed a crush on rob. One day decided to search him on social media lol and came to find out my close friend follows him on Instagram and he follows her back. I decided to mention I have a crush on this kid rob to her. And she goes omg I know him we work together. ( the place he works is in my town, he lives in the town over) and what are the chances the girl I am friends with out of everyone works with him ??? And what are the chances tht I got close with her again around this time before I even knew that she knew him?? He currently has a gf who he always fights with. They broke up a few weeks ago but are still talking.

- eltigre - 04-08-2014 05:05 AM

coincidence maybe but as life goes on you will see that this is one of the smaller coincidences. Fate is a beautiful thing and if you believe in it then you will understand that leaving the situation up to fate to come to you with out trying is the only way. Interference with fate is not the way because they things that are meant for you will not pass you by. Your prince charming will come really soon and the most important thing you should know is that if you are wasting your time with mr.wrong then mr.right will not be able to get near you because love does not disturb.

- Nate - 04-08-2014 05:11 AM

Hmm a lot in play here but be patient, if fate wants you to be together, it will become so. Thats what happened to with me and my girlfriend. She is from china and just happened to transfer to the same school as me and then we got together and discovered we had the same palm print.

- fakeCubed - 04-08-2014 05:15 AM

Either we live in a deterministic universe, in which case all of our actions are predestined as a result of various physical forces acting on various particles and energy, or we live in a universe where things happen randomly at a subatomic level which may result in variation over set probabilistic curves. We have not yet devised a scientific test that can prove either scenario. However it would seem that free will is an illusion and merely the operation of either random or deterministic variables. You feel this way about this guy because of your DNA and socialization from your environment, neither of which you chose. Those same external variables led you here to ask your question, and read this answer.

Free will is irrelevant. Fate is irrelevant. Either you will fail or you will succeed. Pretend you have some control and can alter your destiny. It may not make a difference but at least you'll have no regrets if you try.