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Interview took a nose dive due to me not having facebook..? - Printable Version

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Interview took a nose dive due to me not having facebook..? - Rumplestiltskin - 04-08-2014 08:25 AM

Sorry for typos. i am using a phone to type this.

I had a job interview for a Cinema assistant yesterday which i felt went rather well. On the online application form it asked for the URL for your Facebook page, Your Youtube profile, twitter and SKYPE address. I didn't fill this section out as i don't have fb (anymore), I have a joint account on youtube with a small production company, No skype or twitter. There was no where to put that i didn't have any of the above.

At the end of the interview he asked "May i ask why you didn't fill out this section about your social media activity?" I said something like "It wasn't so much that i didn't fill it out but couldn't find a box that said 'i do not use any social media pages'. I used to have a facebook when it first started but left when all of the privacy issues came up. As i didn't use it that much i shut the page down" His attitude turned rather sour "So you're honestly telling me a 28 year old man doesn't use facebook..or Skype..or twitter.. or Youtube. That sounds very odd to me. We aren't going to spy on you its just to contact you.." I then said that it was true and tried to change the mood but the interviewer wasn't intrested and cut me off by basically calling me a liar. "Well i don't believe it sorry. Okay well It was nice meeting you. " and turned to his fellow interviewer and started talking. At first i thought it was a test to see how i'd handle a bad customer.
Then today i received a phone call from the other interviewer in the room who said that i hadn't got the job. I said i was dissipointed but thanks for contacting me etc.. then i asked for feedback.
His reply was "Well, we felt it went well but ill be totally honest with you. John felt you weren't honest about your social media activity.. and that's not what we want to see from a future employee." I became a little frustrated and said "I do not have any social media activity because i don;t go onto websites like this. If it had asked me for say my Vimeo account i'd have happily given it to him. I could not put down what i didn't have" he laughed it off and said "Well, just open one next time" said good bye and put the phone down..

Has anybody else had this? I found it rather.. odd to discriminate against people who don't use facebook. The job was for a cleaner/general assistant at a Cinema and nowhere in the job description did it say you NEEDED a social media life.
Once again sorry for Typos.
It's a small cinema chain in London. Not VUE or one of the big ones.. I don't want to slag them off incase they are spying on me.. hehe. I did think of complaining..but i don't know what good that would do.
@?? It was a joke..calm down lol!

- Piran - 04-08-2014 08:31 AM

How bizarre, be interesting to know what chain this is. I for one would complain to Head Office.

- M W - 04-08-2014 08:38 AM

That company sounds like a great one to avoid employment with. They are exercising discrimination.

Consider yourself lucky.

- Neen - 04-08-2014 08:43 AM

Whether you have a FB page is none of their business. Sounds like a lousy manager.

- Jan409 - 04-08-2014 08:52 AM

Weird indeed
IF they want to spy on you someone's social media activity
,and judge you on your lack of using it,
this is a company I would definitely avoid
You have had a lucky escape

- Dion J - 04-08-2014 08:56 AM

I would have told both guys to F off.
Consider it a blessing that they did not hire you.

- Who - 04-08-2014 08:58 AM

Either he was bullsh//ting you, or you are bullsh//ting us

- ?? - 04-08-2014 09:05 AM

Spying on you? You seriously think they'd bother to look at YA in case you posted a question...? You sound paranoid! They probably spotted that.