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How long does 10GB of wireless internet thru Dish Network last? - Printable Version

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How long does 10GB of wireless internet thru Dish Network last? - Allison - 04-08-2014 01:38 PM

My huaband and I have satellite t.v. thru Dish Network. We would like to get internet through them but I was talking to some friends and told them we were scared to get it and be locked in on a contract if the 10GB doesn't last us very long. They have bigger packages but we cannot afford that. I was just wondering about how long does 10GB of
internet with Dish last. My husband has a PS4 which he plays online maybe 3+ hours a day (I know that's a lot but thats not the point here). I am on my phone all day of and on Facebook, Instagram, Ifunny etc. I also plan on getting a tablet here soon which I will also use for Facebook and stuff like that. From some bodies experience would 10GB last us a month? If not its a waste of my time and money. Thanks!

- Ashemo - 04-08-2014 01:42 PM

its up to how you use it..if you are not downloading huge files and watch a lot of videos online.. it will last long.