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Why do people like twitter so much? am I missing something? What draws people? - Printable Version

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Why do people like twitter so much? am I missing something? What draws people? - Googlyhat - 04-08-2014 01:42 PM

I started using social media in 2004 when I created my Livejournal. then I discovered Youtube in 2005, Myspace in 2006, followed by Facebook in 2007. Fast forward to today and twitter is the next big thing. I have a tumblr, an Instagram, a Pinterest, a Vine, even a Linkedin account. I understand those networks. I am able to use them with ease. But I still don't get the point of twitter. I feel like I must be missing something because it's making so many headlines. I have about 10 followers, I've tweeted about 20 times, I've followed about 100 feeds, mostly celebrities. And yet I still feel totally bored with it. Aside from checking up on fav. Celebs latest party or selfie, what is the point here?? I understand you can use hashtags to add your opinion to topics such as politics, tv shows, brand names, etc. but if you are just adding it to a huge list of similar comments and no one sees it what is the point? It doesn't feel like there's much communication involved. To make matters worse, none of my friends use it. I want to get in on the fun but what is the catch? Please share what YOU like about it, how it interests you, etc. Thanks!!

- Daniel - 04-08-2014 01:55 PM

Twitter is gay.