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Am I spoiled? - Printable Version

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Am I spoiled? - Siena - 04-08-2014 03:52 PM

I don't think I am, and I definitely do appreciate what I have! I'm a 12 year old girl!!!! I live in Chicago. First off lemme start off by saying I live in a neighborhood full of extremely rich spoiled kids. U won't believe the brats I go to school with it. Not to be rude but honesty, my family is not rich. Not even close. We have tons of debt and financial troubles. We live in a tiny two story home. We have two cars with a two car garage. We're not poor, but my parents say we r broke. I have one brother. I have an iPhone 4 which I got 7 months ago. My whole family shares one laptop. I share an iPad 4 with my brother that I just got recently for x mas. All my relatives pitched in to buy it. Me and my brother each have our own nook tablet. That we got 2 Christmases ago. I shop at target kohls justice Von Maur and RARELY forever21 and Aeropostale. My parents are strict and monitor what I wear who I hang out with. My parents are allowed to check my texts and they know my phone password. I can't use my phone past 9pm. I am not allowed on social media. I get no allowance becuz money is tight right now. So basically, I don't think I am I spoiled? Thanks in advance! Big Grin

- Siena

- Oscar - 04-08-2014 04:06 PM

You don't sound spoiled except for the iphone part, if I saw a 12 year old with an iphone I would probably assume she was spoiled. Just don't worry about what others think though, you are only spoiled if you act like it.

- Sue - 04-08-2014 04:18 PM

It does not sound like you are spoiled at all.

- Xtina_fan - 04-08-2014 04:31 PM

I dont think your spoiled....being spoiled isnt always even about how much money you have. It seems like you apprechiate what you have, which is extremely important. But I would say that by being able to shop at target instead of good will and having an iphone does make you way better off than a good percentage of people. The fact that you have a roof over your head and food on the table is something no one should take for granted. So as long as you continue to apprechiate what you have I would not consider you spoiled.

- Cecesan - 04-08-2014 04:32 PM

No, I don't think you are spoilt neither were you deprived but well provided with the necessity for a normal 12 year old than many other unfortunate 12 year old *

- Tanja - 04-08-2014 04:39 PM

It seems that you prefer not being spoiled which is very nice. I think the coolest people in the world have never been and will never be spoiled. You don't need to be spoiled to be able to show how attractive and how charming you are. Do you?

You should be proud of your parents. I used to be mad with my parents especially my dad who was so strict about anything and everything but now as an adult I am very very thankful for that and I plan on being very strict parent in the future as well..

Your parents are probably telling you stories about debts and troubles to prevent you from asking more than you really need at your current age. And they want to make sure you don't turn out spoiled because they know, to put it mildly, there's nothing really special about it.

- Pearl L - 04-08-2014 04:46 PM

dont sound like it