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Do you think my mind will change? - Printable Version

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Do you think my mind will change? - David King - 04-08-2014 06:14 PM

I am 16 and very independent. I have quite a few friends but am not very active on social media as i am quiet. I have decided that I dont want to date because i get to attached to a girl too easily and at this point in my life i am not ready for that. Will this change later in life or has God chosen me to be single? It has come across in my mind that I would like to have a wife and family later in life but obviously now, its not a concern.

- hamdisaid79 - 04-08-2014 06:18 PM

you are exactly like me at 14yo to 21yo,yes its normal david must thinkig about your education in school and after (i thing in usa at 19yo) you can made dates with girls , but if you want an adv i suggest to you too thinking about have a wife and familily after 25 yo not before ...god bless you son ...good luck DAVID

- Alyssa - 04-08-2014 06:21 PM

I am a 17 year old girl and know how you feel. I was like you exactly a year ago. I had never had a boyfriend because I was so into school work and dealing with my daily life. I wondered why God didn't give me a guy yet but I thought maybe it would happen or maybe not. But I really wanted a family. I would say right now you just keep your mind open but not looking for a girl. That's what I did and found a great first boyfriend who I've been with for a year now. Just work on your relationships with people as friends instead of thinking all of them as potential girlfriends. I started as this guy as by best bud and he turned out to be a great boyfriend. You will did the right person for you, just be patient and know that God has a plan for you and he knows how you feel now. I hope I helped a littleSmile

- Mark - 04-08-2014 06:26 PM

It is the time to like someone. But it is not the real time to choose your wife. It may be after getting any job.