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How to know average cost per click in google adwords..? - Printable Version

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How to know average cost per click in google adwords..? - Propie - 04-08-2014 06:15 PM

i want to know what is the average cost per click for a keyword in google adwords ppc, i.e without giving any amounts such as default price or bid. i just want to know what is average cost for the keyword.. Please reply asap..
Thanks in advance

- Jake - 04-08-2014 06:18 PM

It seems you might need to be logged into an Adwords account to see the cost column in the keyword tool. I don't know how an average is determined, common commerce keywords may be $0.50 to $5.00 but they can go a little lower as well as over $50 for exotic Doctor and lawyer terms.

A source of some real world cost figures for specific keywords is

- immenseWarrior035 - 04-08-2014 06:23 PM


The keyword tool can give you estimated cost data. But you have to be logged into Adwords to get it. When you are logged in you can pick additional columns for extensive data one of which is average cost.

I find that the average cost for first page bid overshoots a little, in practice the bid costs I receive were around 75-80% of the estimated cost so it's a nice little bonus. I'm not sure why the estimated costs are higher. I guess they probably just average out the cost of that keyword to everyone on the first page and not everyone is using targeted bidding methods which means they're paying more than they should.