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How do i convince my parents to let me do online schooling? - Printable Version

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How do i convince my parents to let me do online schooling? - Alexa - 04-08-2014 06:17 PM

Hey guys. I'm in 8th grade, and i struggle with really bad social anxiety, depression, and i SUCK at school in general. My parents know that i struggle with all of this and ive tried convincing them numerous times to let me in a calm and mature way. theyre not budging. my mom is worried that im not going to socialize enough, but ive done my research and theres monthly meetings with online students around my age. i really need some advice and help on how to convince them, because everything is getting so bad, and im really stressed out and have no idea how to convince them

- red lion - 04-08-2014 06:19 PM

Learn programming and do online job.
if ur best .you will get best.
tell ur parents about free way of earning money.

- Sarah - 04-08-2014 06:26 PM

You seem to be focused on the social reasons for attending school, instead of the quality of your education. If you were, your research would have shown you that profit, not quality, is the reason for online public schools.

Perhaps if you were more focused on your education and future success you would feel better. No one will hire you because you have friends. They hire you to do a specific job you are trained for and good at.

Online public school research:

States Struggle To Keep Online Schools Accountable 2/15/13

Virtual School Profits Far Exceeding Performance
May 17, 2013

Cyber schools flunk, but tax money keeps flowing 9/26/13

From Junk Bonds to Junk Schools: Cyber Schools Fleece Taxpayers for Phantom Students and Failing Grades

School Reform and the Profit Motive
By Jay Mathews
The Washington Post
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

- Ask A Homeschooler - 04-08-2014 06:31 PM

Perhaps showing your parents some of your research, directly from the sites, would help. Sometimes parents just need to see things on their own, rather than their children just telling them about it. I've noticed that solid research, when presented, can have a really big effect on people.

I would also suggest asking your parents what their reasons for saying 'no,' is. Talk with them through their fears, and provide the answer for them with your research. If your mom's only concern is socialization, perhaps check out this article I found on homeschoolers and socialization FAQ:

If they're concerned about the cost of homeschooling/online schooling, maybe try looking into virtual schools for your state (it's free public schooling, but at home):

I hope this helps. If anything, don't give up. Keep asking, keep researching, keep trying. They'll hopefully come around eventually. Smile For more tips on convincing your parents to let you homeschool/online school, maybe take a look at this page:

Have a great day!

- Frankie - 04-08-2014 06:34 PM

Stop focusing on the social aspects of schooling. Keep in mind that online free schools are run by public schools so you would still study the same things using similar materials as you do now, except online at home. So if you are struggling with the work now, online school may not help. It may even make it worse because it is harder to get help when needed.