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What website can aspiring screenwritters create profiles and upload their scripts? - Printable Version

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What website can aspiring screenwritters create profiles and upload their scripts? - Victor - 04-08-2014 06:17 PM

- john - 04-08-2014 06:23 PM

There probably isn't anything like that. And if there was...
1) It would be overcrowded, because everyone has a screenplay
2) The Terms and Conditions would probably stipulate that anything you upload becomes not yours. Just like facebook photos. Everything you upload to facebook becomes property of facebook.

So, if I were a screenwriter I would NEVER want to upload my screenplay to the public domain, you'd be just asking for it to get stolen.

- Jake - 04-08-2014 06:29 PM has pier reviews of poetry, short stories, novels, scripts, and screenplays

Other sites to review:
Mibba - young writes share.

Certainly you would not want to show a complete unsold commercial script on a web site, but if you are just discussing artistic possibilities...

- Something Blue - 04-08-2014 06:36 PM

The ONLY legit website that could lead to something, the ONLY website that managers, producers, etc. go to find worthy material is the Black List. You get your screenplay reviewed, and if it gets a high enough score, they make sure people see it. Their standard is extremely high, they demand a professional level. And that's what managers and producers look for too.

If you want something that leads to nothing, you could try at Simply Scripts.You also got InkTip, but since they don't have the filtering system the Black List has and anyone can upload their material, decision makers don't really look at what people upload. You could also pay to have your logline appear on their newsletter. But once again, that doesn't lead to anything, almost never.

If you think your screenplay is amazing, submit it to the Black List and see what happens. If your score isn't high enough, either your script isn't ready or isn't good enough. The Black List is your real test. And if you and the script really are amazing, doors might open for you.