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Blog on domain only, or fed from blogger site? - Printable Version

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Blog on domain only, or fed from blogger site? - Sandy - 04-08-2014 06:17 PM

Okay so here's my situation:

Currently I publish my blog posts on google blogger (or blogspot), and then it auto-feeds to my website where it also catalogs (

My question is primarily about SEO, but I'm ready to learn about anything actually relevant to the topic.

1. Does it make a difference in website SEO that my content is being fed from a blogspot URL ( Would I get more or less SEO benefits if I moved/transferred all my blog content to my domain and ended my use of blogger?

2. If I have my blog posts visible on both the blogger URL and my domain URL (from the feed), which will trump in search results? For example, if someone searches for "yellow labs run faster" and I have a blog post that matches, which will come up as a search results for the searcher, the blogger URL or my domain URL? Obviously I want people to come to my actual website/domain URL. I would love it if I could get the blogger to be invisible, so that the content could only be found on my website that it's fed to... but I doubt there is a way to do that.

Thank you in advance for answering this! :-)
Okay so I already ditched the blogspot tail and redirected/renamed the URL to so my website is getting the credit for the blog posts.

Now my question is about the difference between and

Thank you.

- Jake - 04-08-2014 06:21 PM

Duplicate content tends to get lower search ranking, I assume the first copy found is considered the originator, guess where Google looks first.

You might look into the Canonical tag that can be used to point to another site as well as an internal page as the master source that should get the link benefit. I kinda doubt they will think a feed could be the source but you could try Canonical on the blog.

Having the blog only on the same domain name as your main site is pretty likely to be a more powerful rank booster. If your blogger blog already used a custom name you could redirect backlinks to the main page.

- J - 04-08-2014 06:31 PM

q1 = yes it would be better to end blogger, because your site does not get credit for your work

q2 = google owns blogger, which do you think they will give more authority to? your site or theirs?

fwiw...we are going to be testing some ideas on blogging over the next few months. our main site is strictly an ecommerce html type site for over 2 years now. the testing will be done as a subdomain blog

EDIT: here's my thinking on your renewed question = an add on domain for the blog portion, which means that it gets credit for its own creations = subdomain - think of it like a 3rd level folder of the parent site which passes credit to the domain

however, if you want to improve on the pass thru move the blog up one level eg: this would make it easier to link to the main site if that is your goal

btw...thanks for an interesting question as it makes you think