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Why do people post such personal things? - Printable Version

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Why do people post such personal things? - ariad - 04-08-2014 06:17 PM

I have my own answers for this, but I wanna hear what OTHERS think: I graduated from the bizarre/sad world of OVER-sharing after Myspace (remember that lol?). So I can't fathom doing what others do so freely: Post the most PERSONAL things about themselves, on social media like Facebook. For example: Immediate Family DEATHS! (I've seen this)

Uh... I know we have our TRUE friends on Facebook, but I'm willing to bet we also have a lot of... not-so-true/Fake friends, on it too. I'm also willing to bet that many people don't bother creating filters to choose who sees what. Therefore, personal things (like family death) has just been revealed to people with dubious intentions for you, online.

WHY? Why can't people see how... WEIRD this is?
"Shameless" is a good word, Jasmine. Good answer!

- Jasmine - 04-08-2014 06:22 PM

In today's society, we are taught that "revealing" all can make us popular or even famous. We have no self respect for ourselves so, why would it be wrong to share every facet of your life? That's people's mentality today.
We're egotistical, vain and shameless.

- Daniel - 04-08-2014 06:23 PM

I read Bios and articles on people I know personally. 98% BULLCRAP! Everyone I know is getting laid 10-20 time a day except me, just go ask them!

- Suzy - 04-08-2014 06:27 PM

Because they hurt. They want to reach out and find comfort when they hurt. A lot of people live far away from family and friends and this is the easiest way to tell them what is going on without having to physically call them to tell them what happened and go through the trauma over and over again. Yes, people you don't know well will have that kind of personal information. But for the most part, what harm will come from knowing your Grandmother died?