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Ex-Friend Is Going Insane? - Printable Version

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Ex-Friend Is Going Insane? - Dressage61 - 04-08-2014 06:18 PM

So I used to be friends with a girl who's two years younger than me (I'm a freshman, obviously the maturity level is very different) and well I started doing dressage after riding horses western at a not so nice barn that she leases at. She started leasing a horse and since then has been insane. She would hang with a bad group, started talking crap about me, and finally, I called her and cried about how I didn't want our friendship to end and she sounded like she didn't give a damn. Finally, we broke it off. Her Facebook was logged in on my phone and I was being nosy (I believe strongly in privacy but my anger drove me to look through her messages) and found her talking bad about me. Making lies up. She has two Instagram accounts and blocked me on one. Her active one, she has been using to show off her new friends. I still visit the horses and work at the barn she rides at and would like to return to work after three months. What can I possibly do?

- Firefly Flame - 04-08-2014 06:27 PM

Maybe she's jealous of you, maybe she felt like you were a snob, maybe she thought she had to talk garbage about you to make herself look cool to her new friends, I don't know. Doesn't matter. She's not worth your time. It hurts to lose a friend, and it hurts when people think badly of you or tell lies about you. But it happens. People can be jerks. Don't stoop to her level. Rise above it, ignore her behavior and do your thing with the horses. Trust me, if you can learn to ignore people who aren't worth it and let go of dumb crap, the better off you'll be. If she starts creating problems for you at the barn, don't hack her Facebook, don't call her. Consider taking it up with someone in charge (the owner or manager of the stable?). Don't go into detail -- "she said, and then I said, and then she said..." -- keep it simple. "I seem to have upset her. I don't know why. I love working with the horses here and don't want things to get out of hand. What can I do?" Good luck.