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I need help finding a company with good internet services? - Printable Version

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I need help finding a company with good internet services? - Sam - 04-08-2014 06:18 PM

I am currently with Bell and our internet SUCKS! A lot of times the internet would crash and everything would go jacked up. I contacted Bell, and explained to them that I need high speed internet. They told me it would cost about $100. unfortunately our family don't have enough money for high speed so far. We contacted Rogers, they gave us a good deal on the internet for less than $100. But I knew something was up, so I went to Rogers rep and told them about the deal Rogers gave me, they said it would only last 6 months and then the price would go higher than what they offer me. Rogers are sneaky. So I need help and so does my family. Where can I find a good internet services for a decent price and that can deliver high speed internet for like 15 products?
Also we want it to be unlimited as well. I do a lot of gaming and streaming. And everyone else does streaming

- Masters - 04-08-2014 06:26 PM

TekSavvy, do it and don't look back.

Nice speed, good prices, and 300Gb of download Smile

- Minister of Truth - 04-08-2014 06:29 PM

I tried Comcast and they were so breathtakingly incompetent I dint let them complete the deal.

My neighbor has Verison. He signed up for the $79 promotion for phone, net, & tv.

Now his bill is upto $126.

I have Clear Wire. I signed up for $35/mo, net only, slow version. They crammed me upto $39, slightly less slow version.

+ I bought their used modem/router for abt $20.

They'r all sneaky to say the least.

Try the Rogers deal, and when it's time for them to raise the price, say you'd like to keep them, but at that price it's unaffordable, they may extend you.

I heard they'r all negotiable.

- Ed G - 04-08-2014 06:33 PM

You can't find it,it has to be available at your address,and most people only have two to choose from.Rogers is a cable company and probably the only one in your town.Bell must be dsl and they are probably the only telephone company.The only place you can look is your local phone book and see if there are anymore.

- Boss - 04-08-2014 06:42 PM

Try Comcast.