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Google Adwords Keytool? - Printable Version

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Google Adwords Keytool? - Jason - 04-08-2014 06:18 PM


when i look for a phrase to learn how many searches done for it, I get some results. Lets say 10,000.
When i add "and" btw the words in the phrase, I see that the search number is the same with the one done for the phrase without "and"...

To be clear, for ex. I check for "morris town", I see that 1000 searches done for this phrase. And when I add "and" like "morris and town", I see that 1000, same number of searches done for this phrase. It was just an example. It is not true for all phrases. So here is my question;

"morris and town" was really searched 1000 times or google adwords is just making it up correlating it to "morris town"...


- Fearlesstrip661 - 04-08-2014 06:22 PM

it depends on the match type. You should used exact match data for getting precise volumes. Phrase match is also Ok to use for longtails.

I know that "to" is disregarded by Adwords because it's a filler word, so is "a". But I don't know about "and".

There are three match types in the keyword tool phrase, match and broad. Here's an article explaining match types:

You really ought to learn the match types.

tl;dr use "phrase" or "exact" match types.