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Any chances of patching? (libra + cancer)? - Printable Version

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Any chances of patching? (libra + cancer)? - goobygood - 04-08-2014 06:19 PM

We have been together for 8 months and we have officially broken up for 3 times including this throughout this period. I'm a cancer (5 july) and he is a libra (3 oct)

We broke up for similar reasons.

The first time (2nd mth into r/s): He feels guilty for having thoughts of getting intimate with me (i.e taking off my clothes etc) when I'm supposed to go to his house one day.

The second time (7th mth into r/s): He initiated a breakup after we left his house. He wanted to get intimate with me but I push him away. Reason being, I don't really have much trust in him as he has been mentioning about breakups and this made me unable/ not ready to get intimate with him too.

The third time(8 mth into r/s): I asked him over text if he still loves me and he said he wasn't sure of his feelings and he doesn't feel like hanging out with me anymore. He told me that
(1) his feelings have faded
(2) I wasn't open about our relationship (Not introducing my friends and family to him, and not uploading out picts to social media platforms), not being about to satisfy him (getting intimate)
(3) he feels guilty whenever he touches me because he feels like he is corrupting me
(4) he is afraid that he will cheat on me like his friend as I wasn't able to satisfy him physically
I was just different from his ideal girl. I guess he regretted after awhile and said that he didn't actually wanted this breakup but I replied him saying that he seems rather sure of his decision already. That was when he said "Nevermind. Since you think of it that way" From then on, he became very determined to let go.

Since the breakup, I have been the one that is initiating convo. He has been replying to my msgs too. At the start, he kept trying to push me away, asking me to move on, not to be sad, stay strong etc but now, we have been talking normally although he is still sure that he doesn't want us to be anything more than friends, not now and in the future.

We have broken up for about 2.5 weeks and I stop contacting him only yesterday. So I was wondering if there is still a chance of getting back together and how?
His birth chart:

Mars Gemini
Lilith Sagittarius
Asc nodeAquarius

My birth chart:
Mars Virgo
Lilith Pisces
Asc nodeSagittarius

- Maya - the girl - 04-08-2014 06:24 PM

You should have posted natal charts of both of you so we can analyze the situation.
From my point of view, I'd suggest you leave that idiot. If he wants to be intimate with you ONLY after 8 months, then it's obvious that he dates you because of his sexual needs caused by your physical appearance. I can't really judge without natal chart, but I suggest you to stay away from him, don't text him or anything.
Think about it. If you do have sex with him, you'll regret it later. Especially if you're a virgin.