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How to upgrade Firefox and install Chrome in RHEL 6.2? - Printable Version

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How to upgrade Firefox and install Chrome in RHEL 6.2? - Ques - 04-08-2014 06:20 PM

I am having trouble in upgrading Firefox and installing chrome in RHEL 6.2. I have setup of Firefox but when i try to install it or run it from script under firefox folder "" it is doing nothing please tell me how i am supposed to do that, also i do not know where to find chrome for RHEL 6.2 and how to install it, i have heard that chrome is not available for Linux based OS. Is it true?
Please let me know if all the features like servers, shell scripts etc establishment etc are available in fedora too? and which version to be use( there is lot of them like desktop, kde etc)
There is alpha beta live security live desktop ..................

- mr. c - 04-08-2014 06:28 PM

why are you using Red Hat Entreprise Linux?
it is a commercial product with "free support" only for a few weeks after which

- you can not update your software anymore respectively have to use free / community repositories instead of the no more longer available Red Hat ones (and even that may only work w/ lot of security issues such that you will not be able to implement it)

- a lot more problems.

thus long story short, why don't you use fedora instead of Red Hat Enterprise Linux?
i could advise you to use CentOS (Community Enterprise OS) an open source / community based version of Red Hat enterprise Linux but your Linux (computer?) skills are not up to that.

fedora comes with a fairly recent or even the latest version of FireFox which gets updated on a regular basis
and Chrome can be downloaded with Yum or simply installed by going to & click on the Chrom pop-up
doesn't that sound much more easier then having to mess around with repositories and certificates?