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Was this wrong to do? - Printable Version

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Was this wrong to do? - Joe - 04-08-2014 06:20 PM

I ordered an xbox live card from amazon for $40 dollars. It was supposed to arrive 2 days ago and it didnt so I called amazon. They told me give it one more day which was yesterday. When it didnt arrive yesterday I called and they they told me I can get a refund and cancel the order. I did that and got my 40 dollars back and today my xbox live card arrived. Is it ok if I keep it. Its not a lot of money at all especially to the founder of who is worth over 27 billion but I still feel like I stole it. Do you think it is ok if I keep it? Thanks

- Train - 04-08-2014 06:21 PM

It depends on you. If you have a conscience then the right thing to do is inform them and ask how you can pay for it since you already canceled your order. Who knows, maybe they will reward you for being honest and let you keep the card for free.

- Eric - 04-08-2014 06:23 PM

Keep it! Us buyers get ripped off more than you think.
They're the ones that our stealing from us in the long run.

- TREV - 04-08-2014 06:25 PM

Well if you wish to be branded a thief and the next time the door bell rings see a cop standing there keep it.

OTHERWISE: Amazon aren't stupid the postal service will have recorded delivery of the goods now. You either contact them again to make arrangements to pay or send the card back.

Amazon didn't get to have all their money by being stupid and what you did has been tried by scammers along time ago and is now well known.