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Why do some Facebook photos show as a question mark polaroid icon? - Printable Version

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Why do some Facebook photos show as a question mark polaroid icon? - Jordan - 04-08-2014 06:21 PM

On some people's Album pages, you see this icon. What does it mean & how does one set their account as such?

I cannot seem to find info on this anywhere - I thought it might be a security / privacy setting, but when I adjusted my own, the photos don't appear at all when other people view..

- Courtney - 04-08-2014 06:21 PM

It is a privacy thing. How did you set up your privacy when you tried it? It could be that they set it for just friends, but they can also set it up for certain people or themselves. If it is a friends page don't get upset though if they have it set to you not being able to see it. It could be that they have it set for only themselves (I have that so I don't lose the pics before I can put them on my computer) or they could have it only set for people in their family.
As to setting it up that way you may have to do it on full site, may not work on mobile. However, to do this you can either go to the photos page, select individual pictures and there should be a way to change the setting. Or you can go to that album and on lower left corner of the album you should be able to click on that and customize it.

- Sylvia - 04-08-2014 06:28 PM

iOS is the Apple operating system. The person set their controls on their iPhone/iPad/iTouch to be private.

When you post photos on your computer, if you don't want everyone to see them, you need to set your privacy preferences on the photos to Private, Friends Only, or Only Me as to who can see them.