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Cheapest stationery factories? - Printable Version

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Cheapest stationery factories? - AKO - 04-08-2014 06:21 PM

I am opening "Stationery Goods for Children" store and I am looking for cheap stationery factories. Do you know where can i find the web-sites of the Indian and Chinese companies? I need your help!! Smile))

- Jake - 04-08-2014 06:27 PM

A well known massive marketplace for Chinese manufacturer and wholesalers is, you probably need an education in doing business with China before dealing with the individual companies listed there.

In this electronic age a stationary specialty store catering to a subset of the population sounds rather risky. I suspect a much broader line of related products would be needed to haev a chance of paying the rent.

This little school supply store selling imported items might be of interest: