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I feel so pressured and scared? - Printable Version

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I feel so pressured and scared? - loudgrass879 - 04-08-2014 06:21 PM

I have always had this obsession with wanting to be a person that people would look up to and say "I want to be like her" but it's the complete opposite

School is scaring me. No matter how much i try I always seem to fail. Everyone is always fake to me and pretends to be my friend. I feel so behind in homework and studies. I try so hard to get things done on time but it always leads to bad work. I even cried a few days ago cause I got 4/5 in a task.

I can't even sleep properly anymore. Sometimes I get a little lazy but sometimes I just get so much anxiety i procrastinate and use things such as social media or games to escape. My parents never believe i try in work. My dad is scaring me saying "you will never have a social life if you don't get a good report" I have this obsession with perfection and it's ruining everything.

Everytime i try to relax i end up getting too comfortable. I am always loosing focus and have so much anxiety. I have so much assessments. I just want some advice ? How can I not feel so worried about my marks. I'm a pretty organised person (my parents don't believe that) it's just i always feel like a failure. Am i going to far ?

- Brent Oh - 04-08-2014 06:26 PM

. . 1. Mind
. . Let your mind empty the desire of food sleep job money.
. . Mind is nonmaterial so that Mind doesn't need food sleep job money.

. . 2. Body
. . Let your body fill the necessary food sleep job money.
. . Body is material so that Body does need food sleep job money.

. . 3. Order of way
. . Mind is empty. Body is full. It is "Order of way".

. . 4. Empty Fill
. . Empty your desire. Desire is the cause of suffering and pain.
. . Empty your desire.
. . It is the job of Mind, not the job of Body.
. . Fill the necessary food sleep job money.
. . It is the job of Body, not the job of Mind.

. . 5. Fun
. . Mind has fun of emptying the desire.
. . Mind has fun of throwing away the desire.
. . Body has fun of filling the necessary food sleep job money.
. . Body has fun of catching firmly the necessary food sleep job money.

. . 6. Mind Body Empty Fill
. . Empty your desire of food sleep job money.
. . It is the job of Mind, not the job of Body.
. . Fill the necessary food sleep job money.
. . It is the job of Body, not the Mind.