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Need your help with naming my business? - Printable Version

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Need your help with naming my business? - alberto - 04-08-2014 06:22 PM

So ii've decided on lesson my search to two names thus far. Which one sounds better folks?
My talking market is restaurants and office in the bahamas

Clean Team

Bahama shine
Thanks for the excellent feedback jacob..Bahama shine it is !!

- Jacob - 04-08-2014 06:23 PM

Clean Team sounds like you are going to sell me bathroom cleaner or some febreze... Please. Unless you want people to laugh, avoid that like the plague. Wink

As for Bahama Shine, I reealllly really genuinely like it. It's fresh (without making you think of laundry detergent) and it makes you think of the warm sun and beautiful whether. it fits both a restaurant and an office. I would go for that one.

Best of luck for your business!

- Smilingrake148 - 04-08-2014 06:30 PM

can it be "Bahama Dine"?