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I'm selling something over the internet for the first time? - Printable Version

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I'm selling something over the internet for the first time? - S.A.G. - 04-08-2014 06:23 PM

a free ítem, a website called Listia. Where you Exchange and trade things you don't want any more for things you do want/need. Anyways, I don't know how to go about getting paid for the shipping fee, I keep hearing about Pay pal, and I wonder if that's something to it free, is it for my purpose, and is this the only way I can resolve my shipping fee issue?

- madmag_99 - 04-08-2014 06:32 PM

PayPal is safe and secure and free. U need a bank account and they will send money to ur account for verification purposes. It might b .13 or .26 cents and then u let them know the amou

- Fouad - 04-08-2014 06:35 PM

if u have a credit card or a bank account yes paypal is free, hec that's my paycheck right there lol, paypal is good and for future business if u want go to to increase your sells and if u have good products i will sell it to my traffic but i get a commission