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Which online shopping page has the most traffic? - Printable Version

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Which online shopping page has the most traffic? - benison_jerberson - 04-08-2014 06:23 PM

Amazon? Ebay? Yahoo Shopping? etc?

- Jake - 04-08-2014 06:27 PM

Have a look at the traffic figures for each on web business intelligence sites like:,,

My guess Amazon

- You - 04-08-2014 06:35 PM

It kinda depends... For Buying or Selling? Definately not Yahoo..

I would say Amazon and eBay are pretty darn close. Depending on what your wanting to buy or sell would be depending on which site to go to. Me personally, I used eBay for a long time for both buying and selling, but then they screwed me because I sold something, the guy claimed he never got it, and eBay refunded him, expecting me to reimburse them when the guy really did get the item.

Also, eBay charges you more, you have to go through paypal, etc.. Amazon is legit. You use your bank and nothing else, less fees, get your money faster....
Amazon also is more willing to actually look at your case instead of having a computer decide, they actually have a real person make the final decision on if you get a refund or not.

But overall, Amazon is almost always cheaper if your looking for Buy It Now options. Unless of course your looking to buy a bundle or something for a discounted price, or feeling lucky and want to try to win like an iPad 2 for $50... haha

- karmamagic - 04-08-2014 06:41 PM

try this facebook page, they post some unique stuff