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Studies Say Facebook Is Bad for Your Mental Health: Agree or Disagree? - Printable Version

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Studies Say Facebook Is Bad for Your Mental Health: Agree or Disagree? - Jesus Christ is coming soon - 10-15-2012 08:33 PM

Facebook's IPO filing is all the buzz in the business world right now, but even as investors are getting rich off the social networking site, users may be feeling worse about themselves now more than ever. According to three new studies, Facebook can be hard on a person's mental health, allowing you to compare your "friends" and "status" with others, LiveScience reports.

And while you might feel jealous of your pal with 500 "friends," having a lot of Facebook friends is linked to feeling worse about your own life. Mudra Mukesh, a doctoral candidate in marketing at the Instituto de Empresa in Madrid, said reading other people's status updates makes people feel worse rather than entertained or connected. In her own study, those who had 354 friends or more felt badly after reading other people's status updates.

In another study, researchers at the University of Houston found that time spent on Facebook was linked to depressive symptoms among college students, especially for young men. Kind of scary, seeing as Facebook has more than 845 million active users. That's a whole lot of people feeling badly about themselves. Here's our trick: Only be "friends" with people who are actually your friends. Does using Facebook make you feel better or worse?

Do you really think Facebook is bad for your mental health? Why or why not?

- Y U SO STUPID - 10-15-2012 08:41 PM

Facebook makes baby Jeebus cry.

- Ben - 10-15-2012 08:41 PM

I think it can be good or bad. Good, you get to connect with real friends. Bad, exposses you to some nad things and cyber bullying.

- Ron S - 10-15-2012 08:41 PM

Facebook is only a social media .
Most people on FB are only looking for attention and don't give a dam about you.
Its only what you make it.
Be funny and kind in your remarks to everyone and friends will come to you.

- Natalie - 10-15-2012 08:41 PM

This is the reason why I deleted my account. I found that I spent way too much time looking at my friends profiles and seeing what they were up to and feeling jealous of all their awesome pictures and their lives that seemed so much better than my own. I was also just accepting random peoples friendship requests to make it look like I had more friends and I realised that I was trying to make myself look like something I'm not. Now I don't have an account and I am a whole lot happier as I'm going out more and spending less time at home on the computer. This is only my opinion though, and I know lots of people who love it. : )

- Shea - 10-15-2012 08:41 PM

Agree !! I love facebook and i do admit seeing people with 1700 friends makes me feel horrible but i know they proboly only have 20 or 30 actuall friends. I have almost 300 but i let people add me usually. If peolle do add me but im not great friends with them i accept because who am i to decline? The way i see it why not ? I think facebook causes lots and LOTS of drama. The computer is a shield people hide behind. I was a victim of facebook cyber bullying, made me depressed and landed me with 8 months of probation. I used to be a facebook addict ! I was on it whenever i could get my hand on it, sometimes 3 - 4 hours at a time !!! Soon i gpt bored of drama and got rid of the peolple who start it, i stopped going on it every day and i dont start drama anymore ! Realizing that facebook isent my only connection to the real world i stopped depending on it for everything ! Unfortunatly most peolle dont realise that ! Im so glad i did ! I hate to say it but facebook put an emotion strain on my life ! I mean, it is handy to know what your friends and family are up too, but thats all it should be used for, not to tell 1700 people about this chick who fell and made a fool out of herself. Like WHO CARES ?!? I love facebook and i think its great for people who know how to use it peoperly and use it in moderation ! Sorry about my spelling iys hard to type on my phone and theres no spell check Tongue plus im a horrible speller to begin with LOL

- Agent of Chaos - 10-15-2012 08:41 PM

I'm sorry, but this was obvious a loooooong time ago. Merely using the internet too much is associated with depression, so this question is pretty much moot.