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Good title ideas for a blog? - Printable Version

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Good title ideas for a blog? - Erraticapple873 - 04-08-2014 06:26 PM

I'm wanting to make a blog about risk. I'm a student in risk management and can't think of what else to blog about. But I can't think of a good name/title for the blog. There will be loads of different aspects of risk: facts about risk management; a look at major happenings/disasters with risk in mind; different processes to manage risk.

I'd prefer it if 'risk' was in the title, but all suggestions are welcome. Thanks.

- Harshini - 04-08-2014 06:34 PM

1.Out of the box
2.Risk it
3.Show what you got

- unicorn - 04-08-2014 06:41 PM

little riskal
speed and risk

the person below me is soooooo unoriginal.....-_-
and now they have deleted their answer so now i look like a weirdo talking to my self not cool.............