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I broke up but he blocked me from all social media. And never contacted me? - Printable Version

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I broke up but he blocked me from all social media. And never contacted me? - pearl - 04-08-2014 06:30 PM

So i told him that i asked a religious person on facebook who told me that ne and my bf wont work out well. So i told my bf who lived in another country. He didnt wanna move to usa. And i didnt wanna move to uk. So after i told my bf avout what that religious guy told me he told me to avoid him. I deleted my bf from fb bc i could deal w the pain of leaving him. He blocked me on fb and all other social media. After a month i sent him an apology messGe about how i might have hirt him. But in all this I've hurt myself more. Just bc that stupid religious guy told me it wont work out i broke up. Mh ex bf never replied to my apology message and then blocked me. Why is he doing this. Has he never loved me in first place.

- pearl - 04-08-2014 06:38 PM
