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Do I need to create a sitemap for my subfolders? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Do I need to create a sitemap for my subfolders? (/thread-129648.html)

Do I need to create a sitemap for my subfolders? - Al-Qesas - 04-08-2014 06:31 PM

I have recently launched a website ( and I am working on building SEO for it. I am currently in the process of learning about sitemaps and I wanted to know if I need to create a sitemap for each of the 3 subfolers that I have made.

I don't fully understand how sitemaps work and I usually use a website like ( to make the sitemap for me. Is this the best way of doing it? Should I use another service and should I make sitemaps for each subfolder?

- Neil - 04-08-2014 06:32 PM

Be careful with your terminology. There are both "site map" and "xml sitemap" - there is no relationship between the two but you require the latter ie "xml sitemap".

Probably not with folders but if they were sub-domains you would need xml sitemaps for each.

- Tauseef Azhar - 04-08-2014 06:39 PM

You should create a single xml file, and submit it to Google and Bing webmaster tool. I recommend to use this online tool for creating xml sitemap:

Since you are using wordpress, you should use a pluging. It will automatically update XML sitemap.