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I need opinions about my website? - Printable Version

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I need opinions about my website? - NHL - 04-08-2014 06:31 PM

Please give me opinions about my website.

- G N A - 04-08-2014 06:37 PM

I'd lose the huge slider at the top of the page, it looks a bit over-the-top unbelievable.

Narrow the focus of what exactly your company offers in the way of virtual assistance, too many options that seems you do a lot but specialize in nothing.

It seems cluttered. Look at how other virtual assistants or outsource companies are marketing online, make note of how uncomplicated their sites look. For this type of service you don't need all the "in your face" graphics.

Move the blog posts to the top of the page. People are not going to hunt all over your site to find what they need to know about your company, how your services are provided, etc. Have your navigation tabs go direct to those areas, using the front page is for telling people why they would want to click on the links, for example:
Index: Outsource to Vietnam
We are professional, speak fluent French, Vietnamese and English. Our turn around times are second to none....

Sell on the first page, tell on the navigation pages.

- Jake - 04-08-2014 06:47 PM

Finish the Contact Us page, missing a graphic.

Look into getting a toll free U.S. phone number that forwards to your offices. Being able to handle international phone traffic is expected of outsourcers.