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Internet Broser Problems? - Printable Version

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Internet Broser Problems? - Mark - 04-08-2014 06:31 PM

I would turn on my computer then open the browser and it moves slower that a snail. Actually it doesn't even finish loading it just loads and loads and loads 👿 then if I try to restart it it says that this we page is not available or it doesn't work my internet works and everything but the browsers just play the fool btw idk know if this helps but I use Avast! But it keeps telling me to turn it on and when I click turn on it does nothing but there is a blue Avast! Sandbox around my browser and I am asking this on my IPad

- H - 04-08-2014 06:40 PM

Run MalwareBytes ( ). Both are free.

If there is a safe mode you can do this in, do it.

Once that's out of the way, then you can better figure out if that is the issue or if it's something else like a hardware issue.

- Leto A - 04-08-2014 06:47 PM

dude, you're screwed. You can fix it but it's more trouble than it's worth. If possible, just reinstall windows and install MSSE, forget about Avast.

for now, I would try to disable avast, and download malwarebytes and run the heck out of it. Hopefully that will fix the issue that Avast thinks you have. Also, uninstall the browser completely and delete all toolbars and plugins if possible.