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Do you think my boyfriend is loyal/honest with me?? - Printable Version

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Do you think my boyfriend is loyal/honest with me?? - Jojo - 04-08-2014 06:31 PM

I'm having a hard time trusting my boyfriend. Not really because anything he's done. But because I'm paranoid bc I've been done wrong so many times in the past.

The only thing I know that he's done to me for sure is I caught him texting his ex 3 months into our relationship but we've been together for almost a year now.

We broke up a month ago (it was sort of mutual) bc we argued so much. And exactly a week later (after NO contact) he texts me and says he misses me and wants his girlfriend back and that he's miserable. And we met up that night and discussed a bunch of things we'd need to do if we were going to be together again. Most of the things were HIS idea. Like no drinking without each other, no more social media etc..

Do you think I can trust him? I really want to. And I don't see why he would go behind my back and do those things if he could've just stayed single. But you never know.. Ya know?

- Ela - 04-08-2014 06:36 PM

Well, if you think he's doing stuff for you. You should trust him then. But only if he's DOING A LOT for you. Don't trust him too soon. You gotta make sure about his love first Smile

- bethany - 04-08-2014 06:42 PM

If he hasn't done anything wrong to you, I'd say you can trust him. Just be sure that you reject any of his ideas that you don't like. Relationships are two-sided, so both of you have to be in agreement about the new conditions of your relationship. If he is okay with everything you want and you're sure that the two of you won't encounter the same problems that made you break up in the first place, I don't see why you shouldn't trust him.

- James - 04-08-2014 06:42 PM

his ex is just familiar territory. no need to worry. If she wanted him back, he wouldn't have come crawling back to you.

- Jordan - 04-08-2014 06:47 PM

Impossible to know if anyone is being honest with you. Part of being in a loving relationship is being able to trust the person you are with. If he hasnt done anything wrong, and your mistrust stems from past relationships, that is a problem you will have to deal with as it will cause major problems. Putting rules in place to satiate your insecurities is a recipe for disaster.

There is undoubtedly more to this situation.. but based on what you have said, I see no reason not to trust him.

- Steve - 04-08-2014 06:52 PM

You either trust him or you don't if you don't you shouldn't be with but if you realy miss him you can try and work things out.

Can you answer my latest question ?

- Valyncia - 04-08-2014 07:00 PM

I think you can, that incident was at the beginning of you guys relationship and I'm sure his feelings werent as deep then as they are now. A person grows to love another so I'm sure he loves you and won't do that anytime soon.