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Someone pretending to be my daughter on facebook and need a lawyer or help!!!? - Printable Version

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Someone pretending to be my daughter on facebook and need a lawyer or help!!!? - Melissa Edwards - 10-15-2012 08:34 PM

A girl at my daughters school made a fake Facebook page using my daughters name,town, and school. she sent a message from the fake page to herself saying I'm going to kill you and a lot of other bad things. She then took that message to the school and turned it in. A police officer pulled my daughter out of class and questioned her about the page and message. Is there a pro bono lawyer or anyone who knows if this is a crime the girl can be punished for. What do I do? who do i talk to? I'm in the Seattle WA area and would need a lawyer or help from around here. Thank you
The police department says they don't have enough evidence to get a warrant for Facebook. Facebook replied to my complaint and removed the page but this girl should be charged with something for impersonation my daughter and trying to get her kicked out of school and get her in trouble by the police for claiming that my daughter said she was going to kill her through a fake account. This girl also made 3 other pages over the summer but we had them removed by Facebook. This last one is when she brought to supposed threat to school. My daughter could have been put in juvenile for something like that if they believed the other girls story. Its a crime isn't it?

- Doug - 10-15-2012 08:42 PM

You don't need a lawyer to settle something like that.

Just report the person on Facebook, and they'll be banned for it.

- Tony - 10-15-2012 08:42 PM

report it to facebook

- dSt - 10-15-2012 08:42 PM

If the police were notified, I am surprised they didnt get the IP address from where the person made the account/threats and followed their investigation by tracking the person/s.

A lawyer is not necesarry, police should handle the job.

Edit* I am going to school for Criminal Justice, and I can assure you harassment/ threatening somebodies life is a crime! (The later a more serious offence.) IF you have evidence and provide this information to the Police they should immediatly resolve this matter, if they do not they are not doing their job and could possibly be sued. (If it is clear death threats, these should not be taken lightly.) Remember, it cannot be a he said/she said thing, If it is on a page or you have emails and know the girl definatly legal action should follow. Also, if the police do not comply I would suggest you consult a lawyer/attorney and have them contact the police.

- Walter - 10-15-2012 08:42 PM

Let the police investigate while filing a "bullying" complaint on Facebook.