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How long could it take new websites to start showing up on search engines? - Printable Version

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How long could it take new websites to start showing up on search engines? - al x - 04-08-2014 06:32 PM

Anyone know? For example say you start a new website selling a niche product such as fancy wines or gifts how long do you think it can take for websites to start getting traction?

I know it can be varied between sites but is there anyway to see how their new website is perceived by the market place?


- Jake - 04-08-2014 06:34 PM

Backlinks, links from other relevant sites may be the single rank driving factor, other than the essential, quality content.

Here's a Search Engine Optimization guide by an SEO authority, teaching the more legit ways to boost your ranking.

Search engines all have site submission forms, though just getting links from other indexed sites usually provides a path for the search spiders to discover your site.

Search for, to see all the pages indexed.

- Peter - 04-08-2014 06:41 PM

For about week or two. But you should submit XML sitemap to the engines and start pushing on social networks meanwhile.

- Asahi Technologies - 04-08-2014 06:49 PM

Hi alx,
Usually 4 months would be the start time to get your pages indexed in search engines and rank to start gaining traffic.
I know whenever someone says site needs to be optimized well and promoted good in search engine..this looks kind promotional answer given by someone.
But coming to the fact, it purely depends on the below factors:
Market competition for your product: Whenever it comes to the gifts or eCommerce products always the competition is high, henceforth it is important for you to optimize your content, pages and products for the long tail keywords where the competition is little low and much scope for you to rank in search engines.
When told rank in search engines, If you better optimize the site at the initial phase fro factors like..
Web site architecture

Url structure (Renaming to product names for increasing relevancy)

Meta data (Even though google says titles are ignored, you can still see keyword density free titles following LSI are still ranking.

Uploading unique content (most of the sites use duplicate content as many people will be reselling the product of same supplier as a results they use the content from manufacturers website. It is better to re write the content for the product pages to make sure that you rank. As google always give high importance for Unique and relevant content.
Building high authority inbound links: It is a common practice but yet very important, Try to avoid text links from low authority sites and focus more on building content links from high authority sites. The more authority content links better are the chances in google considering authority site.
Please avoid keyword density: “Write content for users not for search engines”
We might have seen this quote most of the times but its true, google no more follow or ranks based on keyword density. Current algoriths is more diversified on LSI Factors, so please this as one important guideline while developing the content.

Volume of the site: Volume of the site really matters, the more number of pages your site gets updated with content guidelines, more are chances for ranking as you can see if the sites volume of the pages are more and updated daily we can see them pages ranking for most of the keywords.

Try to follow the rest of the factors as well…If you can implement all this ways in the start you can expect your site to rank in search engines in 4 months.

Hope this helps….