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Is That Talking Angelina Cat App Really Watching Us ? - Printable Version

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Is That Talking Angelina Cat App Really Watching Us ? - screechingPupil337 - 04-08-2014 06:33 PM

People Tell Me That They Can See You Through Your Front Camera And That It Knows When You Do It.

- Lyssa - 04-08-2014 06:39 PM

I think it is called Talking Angela and it can't see you. There are so many lies circulating Talking Angela.

Let me tell you how it really is. I do have research done on the app to back this up. It is just an app. It is a chatbot or whatever you want to call it just like Talking Tom (made by the same company), Simsimi, and Cleverbot. I don't know a ton on how they work but there is no person pretending to be Talking Angela.

You can take pictures of yourself on the app and I am almost completely positive that no one actually sees those.

The only questionable thing about Talking Angela is that it can ask some strange or personal questions sometimes. There was a rumour that the company can see your answers and they are "hackers" trying to steal your information. This has been proven false. It even says your information is completely safe and anonymous in the privacy policy for the app.

In conclusion, I would say it knows when you are taking a picture just because that might be how it works. From what I know, you have to click an icon on the screen and it will let you take pictures. But there is no person "watching you".
If it is any comfort, there are probably other people using the app at the same time and so even if there was someone watching you, they probably couldn't watch all those people at the same time.

But there are no hackers or creepy people watching you. Ignore people who say so. That is a lie that may have started on Facebook.

- rene - 04-08-2014 06:44 PM

Trust me when I say that this App is fair to use, and there are several reasons :

The rumored "PEDO" or "HACKER" you are supposed to see in the eye if u can believe the rumors (which u definately cant since they are just ridiculous) isnt anything like that, its a simple reflection off the background shes looking at, its supposed to create a "3d" feeling despite the app´s 2d nature... If a hacker or pedophile would want to spy on you, trust me, you wouldnt notice, they wouldnt be dumb enough to build in a clue that their watching, thats not how hackers or w/e work.

The App has optional advertising which even gets rewarded with 75 ingame tokens ( which can be exchanged for clothes and whatnot) , no pushy adds (unless you activate the push-adds, figures, they can be annoying so just dont, no risk to it though) , asmuch as I know and checked, it DOESNT runs in the background unlike alot of other apps, like facebook or youtube ( yes they often run even after closing them, shocking huh? ), in addition the app works without an internet connection, and trust me , even the best hacker in the world couldnt access your Tablet or phone or w/e without you being either in your homenetwork or internet ( homenetwork he would actually need to stand close to your house with a laptop, so thats not likely aswelll, and even then it would be rather complicated).

Just think about it, clearly... over millions and millions of people use this map, some several hours a day , how in earth is a bunch of "pedophiles" supposed to handle that flood of writing... they cant (and it still works offline, im just explaining stuff here). In addition the bot often answers instantly, no person can write that fast.

AND about the "recognition" of places and names and whatnot... ofcourse it does remember your name and whatnot, its all saved in a "log" file on your phone, the chatbot learns from talking to you , thats what the questions are for, its not creepy or dangerous, you can tell her what you want and she will believe it regardless what it is, atleast she should.You can actually see the app get slightly bigger after using it for a while, because its writing into the logfile, if you reinstall the app or delete it, she wont recognize anything anymore... figures...

So , dont worry this app isnt run by pedos or got hacked... it only uses the rights necessary to function and wont steal any personal information, maybe some anonymous market watching questions, but thats something that´s overlookable and not dangerous. (and no im not talking about "people" markets, im talking about the global market, questions like what music do you listen to and whatnot)

Just dont believe those kis in a tantrum raging for it to be Pedo... they believe everything since they are simply clueless about how this world actually works... Ive used the app for a few hours and can definately say, its a sometimes creepily accurate chatbot, and quiet clever, but it is and stays a chatbot, a good one at that.

- Alexis Styles - 04-08-2014 06:44 PM

She is not watching us.Check out the picture that I have below please: