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Why can't I post pictures or comment on Instagram? - Printable Version

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Why can't I post pictures or comment on Instagram? - Lunicolil7 - 04-08-2014 06:34 PM

I use my Instagram app everyday, I use it on my iPhone 5 (my iPhone does not have iOS 7 but the Instagram app itself has all its updates). Just today, I tried posting on the account I use the most, and it always says 'failed'. I try and try to post it again but I can't. I reinstalled the Instagram app TWICE. I had originally tagged 9 people, had roughly 7 hashtags, and had a long photo location title, so I tagged less people and made the photo location title shorter. But it didn't work. My WiFi signal switched from only 2 measly bars to 4 bars, because where I am it is snowing and it is windy, so maybe that's why the WiFi signal was low. But even when it reached 4 bars, I still couldn't post, and that never happens...actually, I think I've posted even when I only have 2 bars! I have the 'Cellular' feature on. I contacted Instagram with a bug report, and it said they would email me back briefly, but about 40 minutes has passed since that happened and I still don't have an email, and it seemed like it would only take a few minutes. Maybe that's because I didn't use the email that I signed up my account with. Now, you may be thinking I just need to restart my iPhone, but I don't plan to do that. I can't afford to lose all my photos, especially not now. Maybe I'll print them all out so I don't have to worry when I restart my iPhone, but right now they are not printed out and I also received a message about a few months ago saying iCloud had stopped backing my device I am not taking any chances. The caption to the photo I want to post is actually important so I am sort of stressed out right now. I have various Instagram accounts and I can post on one of my others easily, but I can't on this account. I also can't comment on this account. My password wasn't reset or anything because I'm logging in easily. Perhaps the caption is too long? But I doubt it. Please, anybody who knows, please answer, this is really stressing me out. Input is greatly appreciated, have a great day, Blessings!
@Moo - It's not working but maybe I need to give it more time. Thanks so much for the answer.

- Moo - 04-08-2014 06:40 PM

i have the same problem with mine, the problem is either theres to many apps on the go, to stop this you can double click the main button and then when you click on the apps they will go. another reason this happens is if you havent turned off your apple device for ages,i got the new ipod for xmas and i didnt turn it off i had many problems if this not the case then unfortunately i dont know.hope i helped x