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Sprint 4G LTE as home internet? - Printable Version

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Sprint 4G LTE as home internet? - Israel - 04-08-2014 06:35 PM

I have a Moto X with Sprint 4G LTE, I average 18mbp to 24mbps day and night and It is Rooted and has Wifi Tether. I have been using it as my main source of internet for two weeks now and i dont see much difference's than my friends home internet 15mbps. should i even pay for home internet and just get TV from like Dish or cablevision.

I Work IT and get all my computer internet needs at work. when i get home the last thing i wanna do is play on computers all day. I just watch a bit of TV and besides that i'm mostly out with family and friends.

What do you guys think?
Get TV/Internet or 4G/TV
I have unlimited internet so no data cap worry's

- Gordon - 04-08-2014 06:40 PM

Cellphone based internet is the most expensive form of internet on a cost per Mb basis. For the same price, you can get 50 to 100x more data from a wired internet connection. But if you don't need it...

Another option to think about is public wi-fi. I once knew a guy who rigged up a highly directional wi-fi antenna and used the wi-fi from a McDonald's about a block away from his house.