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my brother's girlfriend is really meant to me and i can't take it anymore help please? - Printable Version

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my brother's girlfriend is really meant to me and i can't take it anymore help please? - ashley - 04-08-2014 06:35 PM

So i posted the story below two weeks ago, and all the kind answers made me feel so much better. i have been trying SO HARD to ignore and mind my own business in every way possible. It was brought to my attention that apparently bad things are still happening... i tweeted to my friend that i was going to a concert and she said "well looks like i'm going to be throwing fists at the concert now", and my brother couldnt take care of his bunny so i adopted it and she tweeted "nice to know your c**t grimey sister is taking care of my bunny now". Like I said i try SO hard to ignore but everyone keeps showing me what she says about me and i don't know what to do. I'm really sensitive and it's really affecting me because it's been two years now.. if you would like to read the whole story it's below. Thank you so much for your help. Lovelovelove<3

My brother(20) has been on and off dating this girl(18) for the past two years. There is so much I can say about different things that have happened but I will try to just get to the basics. About a year and a half ago my brother and I got in a dumb fight, and she tried to get herself involved. She already has an attitude to begin with but after this dumb little fight she can't drop anything. She made a twitter about a year ago and just posts awful things about me constantly(still and it's been more than a year, and I don't even say anything in response, i just ignor it). She even posts really really mean things about my brother too, he just ignores it, i don't know how he does though I would be so hurt if the person I dated said that kind of stuff about me. My brother and I used to be really close. We aren't allowed to be friends on any social media, text, or talk. Same with my family. My grandfather passed away recently and she found out I was in my brothers vehicle so she snapped and freaked out on him. There have been a few occasions where she has abused him physically as well. He has nail scars in his wrists and had a bruised chin before. He buys her everything she wants, (a $400 watch, nails ever two weeks, victoria's secret, MK watch) (the odd thing is it's everything I own, she bought the same exact watch as me, then purse, etc.) (she also started going to my nail salon which is far away) but she will never thank him and just post the photos of the items online and say "it's not even my birthday" and "i'm richh$$". She has never had a job, but constantly puts me down. She tries making me look like the bad guy, and one time put a paragraph on instagram about how i'm a 24 year old loser with no friends and no real job. apparently no one in my town likes her at all. I have tried being civil with her several of times. my brother says it's not her personality to "forgive and forget" she just always has to be right. she takes his phone and texts people starting fights with them acting like she is my brother saying "f**** you i hate you don't talk to me you ugly piece of s***. etc.. she isn't allowed near my house, my parents do not like her. so i don't have to worry about that. one time she did come up my driveway though and started screaming in my face. Whenever i see her on the road she has to hold her middle finger up at me. like i said, i just ignore.

I'm just mostly upset because of the way my brother treats me when they are "together". When they break up he is soo nice to me and my friends. He asks us to do things with him because he's bored and constantly complains about her and we listen. But, after he hangs out with her he comes home and calls me nasty names and tries putting me down, i just don't say a word. i feel like i constantly have to walk on egg shells because i'm not sure if he hung out with her and is going to be mean to me. i just want things to be the way they used to be, or at least him just not be mean to me. but i don't know what to do.

please give me advice, i'd greatly appreciate it.. Thank you..

- Zainab - 04-08-2014 06:38 PM

oh my
see my friend Ashley, your Your brother and his girlfriend are behaving with you in a bad way and you do not deserve such treatment. From what you say you are very smart girl and soo nice. My advice to you. Look out for friends, make yourself busy with your favorite hobbies and live a beautiful life because your age will not be repeated again OMG life is soo good sweetie do not be upset by others opinions. YOU ARE a bigger and wiser girl in your age.
As for your brother's girlfriend she is just a naive little girl, just emptiness inside of her. don't ever bother your self of this kind of people, she is a (bullied) when she talk you in bad way like that she KNOW that you will never say anything in back, instead of replying back be as you said no one like her in town tell you father and mother about her that she is (bullied) to you verbally, am very sure they will do something about it. But believe me dear she is just afraid not stable inside her, and making people upset and afraid from her this is her strong the most. She is a poooore girl emotionally just think of her like that, what she will be after years and years because of her behavior she will have no one beside her she WILL loose everything. when you think of her like that you will have the strength inside of you.

As for your brother, he is not a man enough because he is a still a child to stand up and stop her for doing that kind of behavior, am SOOOO sure she is a beautiful and he like her company that's all only having a good time with her...etc. Don't be upset about what he is doing at the end he is your brother he will realize what kind of sister he have and he will come back and have a good relationship with you and the rest of your family, but just dont think about it that much as I said above make your self busy and have friends and enjoy life, don't spend a minute thinking of her only when she is make really bad bad things to your family and your family cant do anything about it then stand up and report her to the nearest police station.

My best wishes for you dear friend. If you need anything considering me a sister to you, will be glade to help Smile xoxo