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If someone makes a bid on Ebay and does not follow through...? - Printable Version

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If someone makes a bid on Ebay and does not follow through...? - Crystal Kay - 04-08-2014 06:36 PM

My boyfriend recently put his truck up for sale on ebay, it went through bids and ended at 1100 [it isn't a running truck, more up there for parts] regardless, the man who placed the winning bid has not returned my boyfriends calls or emails. I thought it was illegal to not carry through with a bid on ebay? What kind of action can he take in this? He was planning on meeting the guy and exchanging face to face, so no one has been ripped off, it was just a low shady move. Maybe theres nothing we can do, but it's pretty upsetting.

- Whitsey - 04-08-2014 06:41 PM

All you can do is report it to eBay and they will take action. Most likely action will be that they cancel his account. You could try lawyers and argue that he entered into a contract etc.. but who's got the time or money to do that?

Pretty sure eBay will cancel his account and the next highest bidder has the opportunity to buy it.

- bron357 - 04-08-2014 06:42 PM

Unfortunately there's not much you can do. You can lodge an "unpaid bidder" dispute which gives him another 4 days to pay. If still no payment you can then give the buyer a strike. You then won't have to pay the ebay final value fees. You can then make a second chance offer to the next highest bidder, but they aren't obliged to accept it. Other than that, you just have to re list and hope the next buyer isn't a time waster like the first buyer.