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Ksl help!? Posting an add that won't work? - Printable Version

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Ksl help!? Posting an add that won't work? - savana - 04-08-2014 06:37 PM

I'm trying to post my car for sale but it keeps saying at the end : " upload failure member of does not match story owner or story not found".

- Charles - 04-08-2014 06:46 PM

Hmmm don't know where your posting it but sounds like the description or caption for the "add" possibly has a different title or user name than the one you used on the picture upload.Seems like somewhere there is a discrepancy between the two(The photo name and content of your add) maybe try renaming the photo on your computer and use same info as you use on the site. Example .. Mustang for sale / picture file name "Mustang" idk wish ya luck =)