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My friend is missing and someone else has his phone, what to do?!? - Printable Version

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My friend is missing and someone else has his phone, what to do?!? - Midnight Rambler ✌ - 04-08-2014 06:38 PM

A few friends and I moved down to Florida from Maryland a week ago. A few days later, another one of our friends (Josh) paid for a bus ticket down here. At the time he finally arrived, we were down by the Miami area and the city we're staying at is four hours away, so we told him to rest at the bus station until we got there. The last call we received from him was saying that he was with some woman who had randomly picked him up (they met at the station apparently), and then the day after, she texted us from his phone saying he left her house and never came back.

This is not like him AT ALL. Josh keeps a password on his phone and is very careful about who he goes with. This woman told us to meet her somewhere after she got off work, but then never replied to us or showed up. His Facebook has been active but I suspect the woman is nosing around on his profile since we're not receiving a reply.

The police refused to do anything. My gut is telling me that something has happened to him, and our only hope is through that phone since we're in a new city. The woman is 26, single, well-off, and very good-looking according to him, and that alone raises a red flag. Josh knows how to get himself out of a tough situation so this is REALLY worrying me. What if he's dead?

Is there anything we can do? No one here knows him, the police won't help, and no one else knows where he is. Tracking the phone would be ideal, but he has no apps of the sort on his phone...

- Pat - 04-08-2014 06:46 PM

call him. or go him politely and ask if they found any mobile

- S - 04-08-2014 06:52 PM

With tourism one of the biggest industries in Florida, surprised the authorities are not interested in assisting you to find your missing friend. While you mention in the question that you have moved to Florida, suggest using the word 'visiting' instead when seeking assistance from local authorities. Consider trying the local police again, but if they continue to not be helpful, suggest going to the state police. If there is still no support offered by the state authorities, because your friend is definitely missing, possibly held against his will or injured, visit the FBI office in the area.

Use social media to create a separate web page, asking for the public's assistance. Make the story a "Have you seen our friend?", announcing where and when he went missing along with other details. Maybe one of the local television news outlets might be interested in the story, which could put pressure on the authorities.

If your friend's cell phone is GPS enabled, you can use an app on your phone or computer to locate his cell. This link presents options, some free, some with a fee. A search on the internet using the word string 'gps tracking cell phone' will locate other suggested ways to track a cell phone GPS.!A6iYJ

Good luck getting assistance, and finding your friend.

- TTCW - 04-08-2014 06:53 PM

call him. or go him politely and ask if they found any mobile

- Uchiha - 04-08-2014 06:58 PM

Find out where that lady lives and ask her for your friends phone back.... Why does she have it?!!? X/

- Joshua Murrey - 04-08-2014 07:00 PM

If he has an iPhone go to find my iPhone on your phone and if you know his Apple ID then you could do it but if not find the place where he was last and look every where in trees and even underground