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wired from modem to pc works, wired to router it doesn't work? - Printable Version

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wired from modem to pc works, wired to router it doesn't work? - Dalton - 04-08-2014 06:38 PM

Wireless isn't working. If I hook direct from modem into pc, it works. But if I hook up the router, I get the yellow pyramid in the corner of my screen and my tv says no streaming

- Matty - 04-08-2014 06:47 PM

Chances are the router isn't obtaining the proper configuration from the modem. If you get a connection from the modem..chances are there is an issue with the router.

First try pulling the plug on the router(wait 5 mins & then plug it back in)
If that doesn't work.
Try hard resetting the router.(Should be a button or a pin hole)

You can also go into the routers settings and find out if it is obtaining information from the modem.
Plug yourself into the router. Open your web browser and type in
It will ask for a username and password.
Generally the username is admin and the password is password or password1.
From there you can see if it is obtaining internet access.

Also if you hit on the start menu>run>type in "cmd"> Then type in "ipconfig /all"
It will show you your ip address,subnet mask, and gateway address.
If your gateway address and ip address are something like 169.254.x.x, then you are not receiving a proper ip address from the router.

- Nunya - 04-08-2014 06:56 PM

1) Make sure the modem is connected to the internet/WAN slot(it has to be that slot) on the router.

2) unplug the power on both the modem and the router

3) wait 30 seconds

4) plug in the power on the modem and wait until everything is turned on for the modem (approx 30-45 seconds normally)

5) plug in the power on the router and wait for it to boot up completely.

6) test connection again.

7) if problem persists, Factory Reset the router (push pinhole sized reset button for 15+ seconds or until all the lights are flashing simultaneously). Then let go of the reset and wait for all the lights to turn on again

8) setup the router again

9) if issue is still there, router is bad, replace it.