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Got a random call from a private number saying he's going to "straighten me out"? - Printable Version

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Got a random call from a private number saying he's going to "straighten me out"? - Jason - 04-08-2014 06:40 PM

I've asked this twice on here already(this is the third), but the answers I got don't fully calm me down and I feel like I need more...(please tell me if getting more answers is wrong as well please)

So I got a random call, private number, I'm a 15 year old boy(don't know if that's gonna help) but I'm frightened and I don't want to risk anyone getting hurt, I think it has something to do with me being on kik and tricking people that I'm a girl because he mentions blah blah blah "chick" (possibly saying pretending your a chick)... but idk how he'd get my number, I've never thrown it out there... And the account is not affiliated with any of my "active" emails... Please help and take seriously.

- teeny-tinytoes838 - 04-08-2014 06:47 PM

"straighten me out" indicates he probably thinks you are gay. If he calls again try to convince him that you're completely hetero as best as you can. Once he's confident in your sexuality he should back off.

- thankfulguide601 - 04-08-2014 06:54 PM

That's what your parents and the police are for. WE are strangers and cannot do much to "fully calm me down". How could we?
Parents, police and stop the online activity. You are playing a dangerous game in a dangerous environment where there are dangerous people.

- Bagel the Cat - 04-08-2014 06:55 PM

Is it someone in your school, someone you know online, or something trying to scare you? If not:

1- Stop the things that got you into this, they're not doing anyone good and now they're coming back to bite you.

2- Call the cops or talk to your parents. Your parents may call the cops for you to protect you, and it's better you tell them - if other people are involved, they're going to find out anyway. Be honest with the cops, tell them what you did, and tell them about the threatening phone call.

- magnolia - 04-08-2014 06:58 PM

don't go to the police, unless it's a physical interaction, they don't care and I know this from experience. Honestly I would just delete your accounts and make new ones. and possibly change your phone number. Stop responding to any messages that are of people you don't know. You're going to be just fine..