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Should I take on this blogging job? What should I do next? - Printable Version

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Should I take on this blogging job? What should I do next? - Crimson Skies - 10-15-2012 08:35 PM

It's a blog targeted toward Indian-American parents, and has topics that focus on things like recipes, Indian and mainstream holidays and festivals, arts and crafts, and Indian languages.

The person who replied said they were looking for the following: someone who could write well (of course), research the above topics accurately, as well as provide some help with marketing - post on social media platforms, interact with people on Facebook and Twitter, reach out to other bloggers and sites, write sponsored articles for other businesses, and clean up some of the static content on the site itself (

I will be paid $15 per blog, which includes researching, and writing in SEO meta data.

Does this sound like a good offer? What questions should I be asking before giving my answer?

- Peace - 10-15-2012 08:44 PM

You didn't provide much to go on like:
Is the company a recognize one based in the US or outside country? Can you find them on Google - their location, contact info and real names and email address?

Is this one of those at home jobs? If so, you would want to ask or Google around the company's reputation? The type of client they work for, etc.

How will you be paid? Via PayPal, direct deposit or check in the mail? Are you solely responsible for your own taxes (independent contractor)? What's the deadline to submit your blog?

I am assuming you are in the US writing for an Indian based audience not the other way around. If so then all of the above questions should give you an idea of else to think of. Basically, I would strongly recommend you get an electronic or mailed copy of an employment agreement and contract terms and responsibilities in writing from the company before you start to work.

Remember if it sounds too good to be true and you can't find absolutely nothing on the company from google search that is positive; then its a scam job.

- Chetan Sharma - 10-15-2012 08:44 PM

answer of your question is in my seo blog.go to