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How to put tumblr posts under a tab on your blog? - Printable Version

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How to put tumblr posts under a tab on your blog? - SkyeCameron - 04-08-2014 06:42 PM

Hi, I am new to tumblr and I am NOT good with programming etc. But on my blog I have organized a theme etc. I have created a tab called My Story, but I do not know how to make the coordinating blog/text post appear under that tab when it is clicked on...any suggestions on how to do this? And be explicit if you were explaining this to a fix year old. haha I suck at computers.

- xoxo-gossip-girl - 04-08-2014 06:44 PM

okay so whenever you post blog/text posts that you want to show up under "my story", tag them with a distinctive tag. for example "my story"

then go to customize>(/yourpagename)

click where it says "standard layout" and select "redirect"

it should say

instead of "url" type in what you want the page to be called, for example "mystory"

then under that, where it says "redirect to", type in (for your story posts at the beginning)

and you're done!