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Pressing Charges for Invasion of Privacy in Canada (Facebook)? - Printable Version

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Pressing Charges for Invasion of Privacy in Canada (Facebook)? - Christian - 04-08-2014 06:43 PM

So here the scenario,

I left my computer on, adult comes into my room, not my mom, not my house, opens my computer, witch the screen was off, and looked into my facebook (already open) and goes though some of my messages with other people, not only invading my privacy but others.

I have word and situations that she has done this before to her son, so it is very likely she did it again.

She was the only one at the house at the time, my friend left minutes before she went on.

Tells me it wasnt her, or anyone else, only logged on that computer.

This really bothers me and hurt me that this was done.

Can I press charges on her?

- CraigHwk - 04-08-2014 06:45 PM

No, you can't. You should lock your computer to prevent people from looking in it. Or log out of Facebook when you're done.

- The Shadow™ ® - 04-08-2014 06:52 PM

can you prove 100% that this person not only invaded your privacy but damaged your reputation somehow ? if you can't you have no case
and the police can do nothing except tell her don't do it again
another thing to consider , is the information you say this person read private or on your public facebook page ? is is available on other peoples pages ? if you want stuff to be private don't post it online and if you do set it as private so nobody can see it but you

why don't you log out of facebook and not allow people to see your account and set all your info to private ? anything publicly available is not a privacy issue and anything posted online could be accessed by someone else and shared by them ( totally legal )

- Alpine - 04-08-2014 06:59 PM

Under Canadian law "invasion of privacy" the way you describe it isn't a crime. Privacy law is Canada is directed towards businesses like banks and other organizations (including government) that collect people's personal information.Most other privacy related matters are covered by other laws ,for example someone following someone around and watching everything they do,or peaking in their windows etc;this is called criminal harassment (stalking) and covered under that law.Wiretapping or putting a bug on someone's phone is covered under communication laws.

In your case there's not much anyone can do- especially if you were in her house.(you say "your room" but not "your house") and in general the law does not give much protection to things shared ,even privately on or through social networking sites.