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How can I market or advertise my e-book? - Printable Version

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How can I market or advertise my e-book? - Zatana100* - 04-08-2014 06:43 PM

I have published a kindle book on Amazon last month. No sales as yet. How can I attract people to my book? Do you think a forum is a good idea? Or a website? But I won't pay for a website or my own domain. My financial situation is poor. Any ideas or advice is welcome. Thanks.

- Jo W - 04-08-2014 06:47 PM

If you've published a non-fiction book, put together a smart, professional flyer and try promoting it to any bodies or societies interested in the area about which you've written. Offering a discount always helps! Also worth getting some short articles published in relevant publications, both to earn some cash and to get free publicity.

If it's a novel, that is much harder to promote unless you are an established author or have the resources of a publishing house behind you. You could try local newspapers/shops/radio, but you need to be realistic - you are unlikely to sell more than a couple of dozen copies.

The Writers & Artists Yearbook 2014 should be in your local library. Have a look at that for more ideas.

- Gordon Lynch - 04-08-2014 06:56 PM

Though some authors shy away from the task of marketing, many eventually consider it an enjoyable and rewarding part of being a writer. You can promote your e-book in many ways:

Craft a powerful sales page. Create a sales page on your own website — a popular technique for niche nonfiction e-books. If you sell your e-book via Amazon and other online stores, your e-book will have, within each store, a sales page that's designed to sell your e-book. Include a blurb that hooks readers, briefly highlight your credentials, and provide excerpts from good reviews.

Reach out to book bloggers. Many enthusiastic readers run blogs where they review books — often including e-books and works of independent authors (rather than authors promoted by large publishing chains). Sending review copies of your e-book to suitable book bloggers can build lots of online buzz.

Build an audience on your blog or e-mail list (or both). Creating your own blog or e-mail list gives you full control over the material you publish. You can produce any type of material, from short pieces of text to podcasts, videos, or free e-books. By encouraging readers to subscribe to your blog or e-mail list, you can easily reach them whenever you have information to share.

Use Twitter and Facebook to engage with readers and fellow writers. Social sites such as Twitter and Facebook are useful ways to network with other writers and to engage in casual conversations with readers. As you build a following on these sites, you can direct those people to your e-book — and to your blog or e-mail list.

Use Goodreads and Shelfari to promote your e-book among interested readers. Whereas Twitter and Facebook are both large, well-known sites, Goodreads is designed specifically for readers. You can start a reader account at any time and then upgrade to an author account when it's time (or nearly time) to publish your e-book. Goodreads gives you lots of tools, such as groups and giveaways, to help promote your e-book.

Shelfari, which is similar to Goodreads and run by Amazon, integrates with the Amazon dot com site to add extra information about your e-book for Kindle readers.

- Guy - 04-08-2014 06:59 PM

You might want to look through the Smashwords Book Marketing Guide, in case it helps. It's free.

- tariq - 04-08-2014 07:06 PM

Local listing will be much better and low cost option.Secondaly,You should keep it cost at 0.99 at amazon so that you can get positive feedback for your book.It will help you rank well and trust will be built.
Grow your local business and boost your SEO with will be a good option.

- Richard - 04-08-2014 07:13 PM

Blogging is a great way. Since you already have a book, this is your edge as a published blogger. Your book becomes your ultimate calling card which automatically creates branding to your blog. Then do the normal techniques of promoting a blog via networking, social media, blog connections, SEO, and such. Then the rest is history.

- Holly - 04-08-2014 07:17 PM

Get a publisher

- Jan - 04-08-2014 07:23 PM

Great for small, local businesses. You can advertise on 1000s on mobile apps instantly.