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Is there a site we can go to search for a patent of a certain product? - Printable Version

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Is there a site we can go to search for a patent of a certain product? - Ralph - 04-08-2014 06:43 PM

I was wondering if there's a site we can visit to search for a patent (international patent) for a product because I am a designer (I want to make an inventions, too). So that, if I make a design or maybe invent something, I want also to see some of the patents of other product just to avoid their claims from my claims, just in case.
Hope you guys, can help me with this. Thanks.

- ez1nca - 04-08-2014 06:47 PM

ever heard of Google?- it'll take you to the u.s.patent office that has a search engine for patents

- Patent - 04-08-2014 06:50 PM

YES YES YES.. Google Patent Search!

Did you know you can file a Provisional Application for Patent for $65?

Want to know HOW? Google Provisional Patent Video Course or PM me and I will send you links.

If I put links in here lawyers will delete my answers...

I know.. bummer!

You PM by clicking on my name and my email shows up!

- vikalp - 04-08-2014 06:58 PM

Google patent search

- bcnu - 04-08-2014 07:01 PM

What do you mean "international patent"? A patent is either enforceable in your country or it's not. The only "international patent" I know of is the "European Patent" that can be used to obtain protection in all of Europe, but only if the applicant has paid the annual fees in each country. Similar rights exist under PCT, but must still qualify for issuance of an individual patent in each selected country. is a much easier search engine than the one at the website.

If you're going to "claim" something in your own patent, you would have to be concerned about any publication in any language in any country, and public use, and any equivalents, not just the currently enforceable patents in your particular country.