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How to quickly reblog posts to my secondary blog on Tumblr? - Printable Version

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How to quickly reblog posts to my secondary blog on Tumblr? - Kirsten - 04-08-2014 06:45 PM

So on Tumblr you can use alt + click reblog on a mac and it will reblog the post to your primary blog without opening a new page but can you do something quick and easy like that with your secondary blog? If so how?

- Timothy - 04-08-2014 06:51 PM

I'm guessing if you just go to the list of your blogs in the upper right corner and click on the list, and click your blog, it will originally show your posts for that blog, but if you go back to your dashboard it should still show that url/title and anything you reblog from there (shortcut or not) should be posted to that blog.
I also like the Google Chome extensions xKit and Archive Poster to make it even easier to post things to your blogs. Also, the shortcuts Shift-E for queue and Shift-R for reblog (and the j key to scroll between posts) are handy.