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ISP - Seeking Internet Service Only (No Bundle) [NY]? - Printable Version

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ISP - Seeking Internet Service Only (No Bundle) [NY]? - Fried Kitten - 04-08-2014 06:46 PM

I am located in New York City.
Most ISP’s here promote bundle packages.

I just want an internet connection.
I don’t need phone; I don’t need TV programming connection.

I don’t need fast upload/download speed either.
But it can’t be dial-up.


Any recommendations?

I’m looking for a low price.

- Sam - 04-08-2014 06:48 PM

You should get a 3G connection.

- Thomas - 04-08-2014 06:55 PM

Why not go to a Jewish Seller, and tell them your Jewish and you will get a fair price. Jews charge high prices to blacks, Christians, and other non jews.
It is funny when talking about the academy awards voters being 97% White Male, but leave out the fact that most of the white males, and white females are Jewish. Jews discriminate, and then try to lay it on white christians. Jews are Racists, and Hate anybody who is non Jewish, and rip off all the non jews which is why Jews have 36% of the wealth but only 2% of the population.