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What are some good blog topics? Wordpress (.com/.org) or Blogger? - Printable Version

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What are some good blog topics? Wordpress (.com/.org) or Blogger? - CurlyQs - 04-08-2014 07:07 PM

I'm a 16 year old girl looking for a purpose or area to base a blog around. I love beauty and fashion, but I also find analyzing issues or new things in my community/society interesting to write about. I would like to pick one topic to have my blog based on as opposed to a mash-pot of topics on one site. What purpose can my blog serve? As a blogger, is it better to post once a week on a topic (topics such as beauty) or whenever I find something to blog about (more in the case of issues in the community)? A list of possible topics to base a blog around would be great! Experience or guidance for a new blogger would be much appreciated! What do you think I should blog about to attract viewers? Last question: who wins? Blogger or Wordpress? I cannot wait to start blogging! Thanks a million!!!

- 애비 - 04-08-2014 07:10 PM

I think with fashion and beauty, you can get a wider audience whereas writing about your community, you might not get as many viewers since that type of blog would only attract those that are in your community. Unless you write about society and community in general and your own personal thoughts on that, but if you intend on writing just about what is going on in your neighborhood or town or state, you might only receive a small audience. When you write about beauty and fashion, your audience is most likely going to be women, teenagers, young adults, etc and they'll probably be from anywhere and everywhere.

I think it wouldn't be harmful to have a beauty blog and then also throw in a few societal or community related posts once in awhile. I mean it is your blog, so you are able to write what you'd like. But just focus on the main topic of the blog as well.

- Charlie - 04-08-2014 07:14 PM

I think WordPress is the best, Flexible and Powerful.